
What To Do If Your Roof Has Hail Damage

hailstorm is the kind of weather phenomenon that is characterized by hailstones (which are balls of ice) falling from the sky. Generally speaking, hailstorms don’t happen often, but in 2020, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) announced that 4,611 hail storms occurred in the United States that year.

Because of this, it’s safe to assume that you’re likely going to experience a hailstorm once in a while. And there’s also a possibility that a hailstorm can damage your property, especially your roof.

With this in mind, you’re now probably asking yourself: what should you do if your roof has hail damage? Here are some tips that you can do.

Hail Damage To A Roof

Know-How to Spot Hail Damage on Your Roof

Hail damage will vary, depending on the size of the hailstone. This means that sometimes, the damages can be hard to detect, especially if you don’t know what you’re looking for.

Hail damage comes in several forms, and some of the most common ones include dented and chipped surfaces, loss of granules on the shingle, growth of mold or algae, and cracks.

Once a hailstorm is over, you should inspect your roof and meticulously look for the aforementioned signs. When you spot them anywhere on your roof, you should use a piece of chalk to mark their locations so that you won’t forget where they are later. Taking pictures of them is highly recommended as well.

Determine If Each Damage Is Functional or Cosmetic

Once you’ve noted all the damages that hailstones have done to your roof, it’s time to determine if they are functional damages or simply cosmetic ones.

The difference between the two is that cosmetic damage only affects the appearance of your roof — the functionality is still intact — while functional damage negatively affects the integrity and longevity of the roof.

Once you know the difference between the two, you should check which damages fall under either category. This will be useful once you start to do repairs on your roof.

File an Insurance Claim and Hire a Professional Contractor

After you’ve documented the damages on your roof, you should prepare to file an insurance claim for hail damage.

The things you need for your insurance claim are the pictures and videos of all the damages you’ve found. Preferably, there should also be pictures of your roof before the hailstorm.

But if you don’t have those, then the next best thing you can provide is documentation of the other damages on your property (i.e., on your car, outdoor assets, etc.).

Once your insurance claim is approved, it’s time to look for a professional contractor and let the repairing or replacing process begin.

Call the Professionals 

Hailstorms may be a rare occurrence, but when they do happen, they can inflict damage to your roof. If this ever happens to you, then simply follow the steps mentioned above, and you can get your roof repaired or replaced soon enough. Give the roofing professionals at Badgerland Exteriors a call at 1-608-530-6524.


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